Not everyone is meant to be a Soul Reaper. Some people are better suited to be agents of chaos, like Hollows, or even proud Quincies. The good news is, you don’t have to stick to just one role—you can experience them all! To help you transform from an ordinary human into a powerful being of the afterlife, we offer something special: Type://Soul codes. These codes make it easy for you to explore different paths and powers, giving you the chance to live out your afterlife dreams in any way you choose.
All Type Soul Codes List
Type Soul Codes (Working)
- 8by2typejole: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (New)
- mahoragathosewhoknow: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (New)
- whodathuh: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- whocareswhatthenameis: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- spendingthanksgivingontype: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ohioframesperskibidi: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- wasitworthit: Use for free rewards
- didntyousaynoupdtonight: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- youaremyspecialbuddy: Use for 10 Locked Buddy Trait Rerolls
- flowerfinally: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- no1amupdate: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- miniupdatewowawesome: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- gutteddodgevariantgobrrr: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ezcodeforconsole: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- quickcodeforcodesocodeyescodehowcodewithcode: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- whenwedance: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- wheresmybuddy: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- whatwillyoudoaboutthesecondone: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- hotfixandhottakis: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- reallycoolcodehaha: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- yessirupdatetime: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- mythoughtsonthislater: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- oopswandenexploded: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- youcanrollraresnow: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- letsget500mmore: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- noreallythanksfor500m: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- 500mvisitsthankyou: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thosewhoknowmango: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ohsnapwaitsnapignis: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- secretcodethatgives1000rerolls: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- weekendgiftorsomething: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sozforbrick: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 700kwoahthanks: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswellAGAINTWICE: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- newrankedrewards3: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswell: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- amaonetwothreefour: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- nosrepphakudarework: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- avaricecascade: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- guesswhosback: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamapackageone: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sozformobile: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- newrankedrewards2: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- royalisverycool: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- newrankedrewards: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- wednesdaypatchesmoreplz: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamataisentwo: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamasuigetsu: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- pointsplease: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- lateupdatesareannoying: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- stefan10kfollowers: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- rankedplswork: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorrybugs: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- imsorry: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- yippeweekly: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- visionaryrework: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 1kcristi: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- teleportswentdown: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- anextracode: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- mediarip://souls: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- leafystray: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- weloveeduardo: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamaforyoutamaforall: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- meditation: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- vultures: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- itstypesoulfriday: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- helpeduardosmentalsanity: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorryfortheshutdowns: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- wereached400mvisits: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- apologycode: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- classicat600amsaidcodeperoxidedidmygloriouskingdirty: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cowoesorry: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- angrycanadian: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cowoenuovaentvari: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- joshnosreppcristi: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- eduardocarrying: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- explodeincident: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- higuys: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cctokenfix: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamastrikesagain: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- oops: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- myrobloxneedstostopcrashing: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- mreessay: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers)
- qkidoexpansion: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- oopscybers: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamacodesareback: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- myrobloxkeepscrashinghelp: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 350mvisitsalright: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 200klikeswoah: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- idontdotheseoften: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- bararaqgbincident: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- codeforvoonithestrongestsoulispeak: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- reallycooloriginalcodename: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- newbosseswow: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- youdidntexpectheretobeasecondonedidyou: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- doomaroomeneverexisted: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- blazblueincident: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorryhopethishelps: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- whereiskendoweapondude: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- latenightbruh: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- latenightfightnight: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cristiqol: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 300mvisits: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- whatdoesheevendo: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- tama62121: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- nuovarandomcode: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- entvari10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (works in new servers only)
- windwake: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamarandomcode: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- timetravellermistake: Use for Purple Elixir and Powered Black Elixir
- cristi10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- therewasnotruebankaiinthefirstplace: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thisisnotsigma: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- gokuvsvegetasupersaiyanrapbattlebegin: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ermwhatthetypesoul: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- yurrrrlistenman: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- causethatstheupdateineed: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thereisnosuchthing: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (KT servers)
- tweakinpostupdate: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (KT servers)
- hellopiety: Use for 100 Weapon rerolls
- putthesefoolishambitionstorest: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thatoneguyinvcaskedmeforthisonesoblamehim: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- lightningshunkoaftertwoyearslol: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- imnotnamingitthat: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- hqrsepowered: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 2weekdelaywoah: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 500kdiscmemberswoo: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- arrogantecristi5k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- readysetboomxdgetitbecauseboomboominokwhateverheresacode: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- quincynerfagainleaveourracealonedude: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 7staredwardnewgate: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- allaccordingtocake: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- petgod101: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- skibidisigmastofighttheohiorizzler: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (KT servers)
- code1: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- jayomalawfirm: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cursedgearruinsfriendships: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- senkuwascloudkageinjoedame: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- hakudanerfafter1000years: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- theresahiddennpcsomewhere: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cyberpoint: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- brovisitedhisfriends: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- setroboominda: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- davehashit10kwow: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamaverified: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- Benihimebuff: Use for Rewards
- nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld: Use for Rewards
- almightyeye: Use for Rewards
- breathlesspumpkle: Use for Rewards
- tsugokusenku: Use for Rewards
- thekiraeventparttwo: Use for Rewards
- thekiraevent: Use for Rewards
- 5minutesoffame: Use for Rewards
- nothinghappened: Use for Rewards
- newfaceswow: Use for Rewards
- 400kdiscmembers: Use for Rewards
- 160mvisits: Use for Rewards
- somethingrandom: Use for Rewards
- somethingrandom: Use for Rewards
- canyouwrap: Use for Rewards
- mobileflashpd—Redeem for Rewards
- johnboomingg—Redeem for Rewards
- icanimaginesomeonesayingimnexttoatree: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- phase1: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- canyourecmeintodemonhunter: Use for 100 Rerolls
- myhopewillneverdie: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- johnbooming: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- gulliblelol: Use for 100 Rerolls
- threatneutralized: Use for Rewards (only works on new servers)
- robloxban: Use for 10 Rerolls
- lightsegunda: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 100mlikes: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- afkworld: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- robotcowoe: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- soulianstreak: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- pleasegivemererollscodesimliterallystarvingoverhereimstuckwithacid: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- kamehamehax3: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ididntgetopenedupiliterallyjustgottiredofblocking: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- khaoticyachty: Use Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- luisvonmarco: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- balancedbalance: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- supasta: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- nuovaprimadon: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- johnbooming: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cowoe10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorryfortheinconvenienceee: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- eduardobrg10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- khaotic10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- nuova10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- delayedwhoops: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- bloodedged: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ohwowcool: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- nuovalovesquincy: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- spiritgun: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- happyeaster: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- doomatearoom: Use for 5 Locked Element Rerolls, 5 Locked Clan Rerolls, and 5 Locked Weapon Rerolls
- mainmenufixes: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tradehub: Use for Locked Element Reroll and Locked Weapon Reroll
- happyhalloween: Use for a Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll
- newclanwargame: Use for an Element Reroll
Type Soul Codes (Expired)
- championshipandmasteryboxes
- rankedmidseason
- tamaiscool
- newcodeoldbugged
- watermelon
- sorryforthat
- midtermsover
- contentcoming
- haveagoodday
- slowpace
- thehonoredone
- triplethreat
- apologyforlate
- middayfixes
- 100kfavourites
- segundanextupdate
- fixedoldcode
- eumorningupdate
- latenightupdate
- updatecomingsoon
- 3shikaireroll
- 80klikes
- newgame
- shutdownsrry
- 55klikes
- tyforfollows
- 35klikes
- 20klikes
- 10klikes
- sorryforshutdown
Related: Solo Leveling Arise Codes
How to Redeem Codes in Type Soul
To redeem Type://Soul codes, follow our easy guide below:

- Open Type://Souls on Roblox.
- Click the Gift icon in the top-left corner.
- Enter your code in the pop-up text box.
- Hit Enter on your keyboard and receive your free goodies!
You can find out more codes on our Roblox Game Codes page! You can also dip into our Roblox Promo Codes post to discover more rewards!